Monthly Archives: June 2013

Team Meyer shirts!!

Great Stride Team Meyer shirts are now for sale!! They cost $10 each. We have adult unisex small, medium, large and extra large available. If you would like to order kid/youth sizes, contact me ASAP!

Order your shirt now to guarantee one for the Great Strides walk! You can email, call, text, reply to this post, etc, if you’d like to order one. If you have any questions, let me know!

Here are what the shirts look like.


I want to add a note about the Great Strides CF Walk to make sure everyone understands… The walk is free. You are not required to preregister. You are not required to donate or fundraise. It’s very simple.

The walk has a different meaning for different individuals, but I feel the walk is about supporting those with CF. If you are able, we would love to see you support those with CF at the walk on June 15th (9am check-in, 10am walk starts) at Sam Johnson Park in Redmond Oregon. Come join us for a fun walk and a Team Meyer BBQ afterwards!

And one more thing, you are not required to actually walk at the walk.

Great Strides 2012

Dan and I missed the Great Strides walk last year, but we had lots of family and friends there supporting us! This was our team last year.

Last year our team name was Team Big Dan. Our family and friends chose that name to celebrate Dan getting his transplant. This year we decided on Team Meyer because Dan isn’t the only one in his family with CF. He has three other brothers with it.
Come join us this year! It will be a lot of fun! To donate or join our team, go to our Team Meyer home page.

Two weeks to go until the walk!